Tuesday, April 18, 2017

so i have a brother and he is about the same age as me which means he goes with me to a lot of places which then also means he is my main subject when it comes to portraits and pretty much all around photos of people so here is a few.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

we my friend, his dad, my brother, and me went to a field to shoot some rockets it was pretty lit get it lit you know what i dont even know why i try but here are the photos jeez.

went to santa cruz and got some photos you tell me if they are good.

 this was the light house that sadly you couldn't go in.
 this picture came out pretty good considering i wasn't using a polarizer.
 i snuck into the lifeguards tower #illegal. this is one of those times when having or to have a fisheye which is a really wide angle lens would be sick but i stuck whith what i got
 another picture from the lifeguards tower.
a stick.